Monday, March 21, 2011

New Reviews on the WGRCLC site

Larissa Rudova has contributed three new reviews to the WGRCLC site.
  1. An overview of Ludmila Ulitskaia's Other, Others, Otherwise series;
  2. A review of the first volume in the series--Vera Timenchik's Семья у нас и у других; ; and
  3. A review of the seventh book in the series, Andrei Usachev's Всеобщая декларация цчеловека в пересказе для детей и взрослых 
For more on Ulitskaia's series, here's a link to a recent interview.

1 comment:

  1. A full version of this review was published in La Revue des livres pour enfants: “La littérature de jeunesse en Russie. Les autres. L’autre. Autrement. La tolérance dans la littérature pour enfants postsoviétique.” (Others. Other. Otherwise. Tolerance in Post-Soviet Children’s Literature.) La Revue des livres pour enfants 251 (February 2010): 149-153.
