Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Catriona Kelly's "Children’s World: Growing Up in Russia,1890-1991"

Alexandra Smith, University of Edinburgh, reviews Catriona Kelly's Children's World: Growing up in Russia, 1890-1991 for the WGRCLC site.  Smith writes,
Kelly’s encompassing study will be of immense interest to a wide range of readers, including social historians, anthropologists, cultural studies specialists, and anyone seeking to understand the effects of a Soviet childhood and the problem of trying to generalize about the diversity of educational practices.
Read the review in its entirety here.


  1. Readers of this blog might be interested in reading Steven Grant's review of Catriona Kelly's book in Kritika:
    See Catriona's response to some of Steve's comments also in Kritika:

  2. Thanks for the links, Larissa. I will put them in the main post for easy reference!
